The Latest in Zoned Climate Control
Hybrid Mini-Split Systems
Sometimes it just makes sense to use ductwork for larger areas but you still want to have separate control in some rooms. A popular option: Replace your gas furnace with a Mitsubishi Electric air handler and add a ductless zone for the Master Bedroom. And just like that you have state of the art climate control.
MODEL AMT – Multi-Position Ducted Air Handler
These highly-efficient, ultra-quiet units can replace your existing furnace and coil to accommodate a larger zone using ducting. Fits in a closet, garage or even on its side in an attic or basement. A perfect addition to the family of zoned climate control systems to help fit every home.
MODEL DKS – Horizontal Ducted Air Handler
This compact rectangular air handler would be hidden in the attic and is perfect for zoning smaller rooms without having a fan coil exposed in the room or for a large master bedroom with an en suite.